Sunday, September 12, 2010

lurveeeee Betsey Johnson

Betsey Johnson says she will never retire: "I will never retire while i've still got my legs and my make up box." 

As most of you know, Dep's accessories are carefully handpicked. I do lotsa research online for latest trends and most importantly, I HAVE TO LOVE IT. 

But what gave me the inspiration to sell accessories...? When i laid eyes on Betsey Johnson's feminine and whimsical designs. I fell in love with accessories immediately. It made me realize, how these pieces called accessories can spice up your outfit and every piece has a story to tell. There is no right or wrong way wearing them. Accessories are so gorgeous, how can anyone be afraid to put them on. Since, i'm not ready for own designs yet, some of Dep's pieces are very Betsey's inspired. 

Some pieces from Betsey Johnson. Don't you just love them?
For more gorgeous pieces, log on :